Call Parish Office at (815) 538 -6151 to request a visit or to volunteer for the distribution of Holy Communion.
We conduct a monthly collection for the Mendota Area Christian Food Pantry. To donate, drop your envelope in the collection basket.
Mendota Area Christian Food Pantry Website
John F. Kennedy Council 2090
Tom Heitmann, Grand Knight
(630) 918 - 9664
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus Website
Nancy Goble, President
(815) 414 - 1644
[email protected]
Lorraine Walter, President
Office: (815) 538 - 6151
Cell: (815) 910 - 0109
[email protected]
Call the Parish Office at (815) 538 - 6151 to volunteer as a collection counter.
Call Parish Office at (815) 538 - 6151 to request transportation to Mass or parish activities or to volunteer your transportation services.