Abigail Women's Center helps women choose life for their babies from a Christian perspective. Abigail Women's Center holds a fund raising banquet in September. If you are interested in attending this banquet or hosting a table at this banquet, contact Abigail Women's Center for more information.
Abigail Women's Center Website
Chastity means using your sexuality according to how God designed it for your state in life. If you are single, chastity means abstaining from sexual relations until you get married. If you are married in the eyes of God, it means engaging in sexual relations only with your opposite-sex spouse. If you have a religious vocation, it means permanently abstaining from sexual relations so that you may best serve God. Ultimately, chastity means practicing real love. Real love does what is best for God, others, and ourselves.
Our society has largely rejected chastity. A mentality of sexual pleasure without commitment and consequences has become widely accepted. Contraception, sterilization, and abortion are the natural progression of this mentality. Once human life is not respected and protected at the beginning, it becomes easier to devalue human life at later stages. Assisted suicide and euthanasia are proof of that. Chastity is the remedy for many evils and a powerful tool for the pro-life community.
Chastity Project Website
Andy Wujek
Bus Trip Coordinator
(815) 739 - 0965
[email protected]
The Knights of Columbus sponsor/fund a bus trip to the Chicago March for Life in January. There is NO cost to participate. Reservations are required. Bus stops in Peru and Ottawa. Trip includes morning Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica in Chicago.
Chicago March for Life Website
Life Chain is an annual, nationwide event held in hundreds of locations throughout North America to demonstrate solidarity in ending abortion. The Life Chain is held in Mendota on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday of October, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the corner of Routes 34 and 251. The Mendota Knights of Columbus, the sponsors of this event, invite you to attend.
Life Chain is legal, peaceful, and non-confrontational. It is NOT a celebration, political event, or noisy protest. Participants stand on a public street corner in prayerful silence holding signs with pro-life messages. The primary Life Chain sign/message is “Abortion Kills Children”. The purpose of this witness is the changing of hearts, minds, and ultimately the law with regard to abortion.
Life Chain Website
Tom Schuhler
Rosary Leader
(815) 538 - 1940
[email protected]
Every Sunday after the 10:30 AM Mass, we pray the first 3 decades of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for pro-life intentions in the Our Lady of the Cenacle Eucharistic Adoration (Mother's) Chapel.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, after the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass, check out the socially-distanced out-door pro-life Rosary in front of the Knights of Columbus Monument to the Unborn at the intersection of Jefferson St. and Michigan Ave. (southwest corner of Holy Cross Church block).
The St. Gabriel Pro-Life Committee has planned/implemented pro-life activities for our parishes. Past projects include organizing a Church/pro-life booth at the Mendota Sweet Corn Festival, placing pro-life crosses in the Holy Cross Church and Holy Cross School lawns, and praying/witnessing for life at abortion clinics in the Chicago suburbs.
Without the right to life from conception until natural death, no other rights or privileges can be exercised or enjoyed. Catholics and all Christians have a duty to defend this right to life. One of the most important ways we do this is by voting for candidates who OPPOSE the direct killing of innocent, defenseless human beings via abortion, euthanasia, and human embryonic stem cell research. In elections, Catholics and all Christians must prioritize these Human Life Issues above all other issues including:
In the next section, see links to voter guides that indicate where the parties and candidates in the upcoming November 3rd, 2020 General Election stand on issues related to human life. More links will be added as information becomes available. Use your voter registration card to determine the districts that apply to you. Vote to protect innocent, defenseless human lives. Then, trust that God will provide for you and your loved ones with regard to all other issues.