Karen Brandner
Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator
(815) 915 - 6635
Eucharistic Adoration is held Monday through Friday in Holy Cross Church's Our Lady of the Cenacle (Mothers') Chapel from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Regular volunteers commit to one hour a week time slots. Visitors are always welcome. Call Karen Brandner to volunteer as a regular or substitute adorer.
EWTN Live Eucharistic Adoration
Call Deacon Hector Diaz or Deacon Jose Lopez at (815) 538 - 6151 for more information on Hispanic Prayer Groups.
Joan Francis
Volunteer Coordinator
(815) 830 - 4270
Call Joan to volunteer to lead or assist with the Rosary at Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Mendota.
Tom Schuhler
Prayer Team Coordinator
(815) 866 - 8121
[email protected]
St. Michael's Prayer Warriors is a prayer team set up to spiritually battle the Coronavirus. The goal is to have at least one team member praying every hour of every day of the week for the following:
An English-language Vocations Holy Hour for (Priestly & Religious) Vocations is held the last Monday of the month from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Holy Cross Church.
A Spanish-language Vocations Holy Hour for (Priestly & Religious) Vocations is held the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Holy Cross Church.