Symbolon: Part 2: Session 1: THE SACRAMENTS: Baptism & Confirmation
Please note: use the document enclosed in the Questions and Comments from the Two Symbolon Participant's Guides field to more effectively prepare for our discussions and to develop your own questions, comments, and observations!!!
Additional Documents:
Typology: The Sacraments of Initiation and the Bible,
Spirit and Matter,
Infant Baptism,
The Eucharist,
The Real Presence,
Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament,
The Holy Spirit,
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and
Please note: Use the Additional Documents field, of this webpage, to find referenced material Please print these articles, review them (include all questions, comments, and/or observations upon reading these excellent articles) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).
Lives of the Saints and Conversion Stories:
St. John Neuman,
Bl. Andre Bessette,
St. Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer,
Beacon of the Catholic Faith, and
Starving for the Eucharist.
Please note: Use the Lives of the Saints and Conversion Stories field, of this webpage, to find referenced material. Please print these articles, review them (include all -- hey! that sounds like ?????, questions, comments, and/or observations upon reading these excellent life stories) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 20,
Psalm 33,
Psalm 34, and
Psalm 78a.
Please note: Use the Psalms and Canticles field, of this webpage, to find referenced material. Please print these articles, review them (include all -- questions, comments, and/observations upon reading these excellent scripture passages) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).
Litanies and Prayers
Litany for Holy Communion and
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction
Please note: Use the Litanies and Prayers field, of this webpage, to find referenced material. Please print these articles, review them (include all -- questions, comments, and/observations upon reading these excellent prayers) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) Assignment:
Please note: Use the CCC articles references above to help build your understanding of this gathering. Please review them (include all -- questions, comments, and/observations upon reading these excellent CCC statements) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).
Small Group Questions Baptism — Suggested Questions for Discussion: 1. Why is Baptism called a sacrament of initiation? 2. If Baptism gives us new life, why does the celebration of the sacrament immerse us in water to symbolize burial in Christ’s death? 3. When we are baptized, we receive sanctifying grace; the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity; and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How can these help us to live a Christian life? 4. How can the Church help us to unfold our baptismal graces? 5. If all sins are forgiven at Baptism, why do we need to go to the sacrament of Reconciliation after Baptism? The Eucharist (Lesson 1 of 2) — Suggested Questions for Discussion: 1. How is Jesus present in the Eucharist? By what power is Jesus’ Real Presence made possible? 2. How is the Eucharist essential to the Father’s plan to give us the gift of hope? 3. How does the Eucharist show the love of the Father and of Christ? 4. Why is the Eucharist more than a mental recollection of Christ’s Passover? How does this bear on the way we attend Mass? 5. How can we prepare to receive so great a gift?. The Eucharist (Lesson 2 of 2) — Suggested Questions for Discussion: 1. Why does the Church teach that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life and our faith? 2. How is the Eucharist the “sacrificial memorial” of Christ? How is the Eucharist a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet? 3. What does it mean to say that the Eucharist should be received worthily by the faithful? 4. How can we participate fully in the Mass? 5. The word “Mass” is derived from the closing words “Ite, missa est” (“go, you are sent”). What are we sent to do?. Confirmation — Suggested Questions for Discussion: 1. Why is it important to see the link between Baptism and Confirmation? 2. Why do we receive the special strength of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation? 3. Which gifts of the Holy Spirit would particularly help us to be a witness to Christ in our present world? 4. Do you find it a challenge to witness to Christ in your family, among your friends, and in the workplace? 5. What people in your life could really use your witness of Christ?
Please note: Use the Small Group Questions listed above for this gathering. Please review them (include all -- questions, comments, and/observations upon reading these excellent discussion topics!) and bring them with you to the next OCIA gathering (class).