A 10-episode video series titled "Divine Mercy with Father Michael Gaitley" will be the focus of a Wednesday night Lenten discussion program beginning Feb. 24, 2021. To access the videos, you must be a registered formed.org user. You can register for free at formed.org by signing up as a parishioner of Holy Cross Mendota. Participants will watch one episode a week on their own and then join together via Zoom each Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. Fr. Pilon will moderate the discussion. (UPDATE: Join Divine Mercy Novena, 4/2/21 - 4/10/21 at 3:00 PM.)
Drive-In Holy Communion is still available Monday through Saturday in the morning at 9:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. On Sunday, Drive-In Holy Communion is available in the afternoon at 3:15 PM. However, the location has changed. With winter approaching, it now gets dark much earlier. There is also much more light in front of the Church. So, ALL outside distribution of Holy Communion will take place in FRONT of Holy Cross Church. (UPDATE: Drive-In Holy Communion will continue in FRONT of church for the foreseeable future.)
Beginning Dec. 2, 2020, for 7 consecutive Wednesday nights from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Holy Cross and Sts. Peter & Paul Parishes will offer a remote faith formation series entitled "The Search". "The Search" is a video series that encourages us to ask the most important questions and search for the answers from a Catholic perspective. Each night's program will be available on Zoom and Conference Call. Click/tap on related Hot Topics button near top of Home Page for more details.
On Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, Eucharistic Adoration will be available from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The purpose of this Holy Hour is prayer for the conversion of heart of all elected officials, that they do the will of God in their public office.
During this time of social distancing, Holy Cross Church is offering Sunday Masses in the school parking lot. A Mass in English is offered at 9:00 AM and a Mass in Spanish is offered at 12:00 Noon. Participants must enter the parking lot from Monroe St. and stay in their vehicles for the entirety of the Mass.
During this time of social distancing, Confessions will be offered in front of the priest's garage on Wednesdays from 12 noon to 1:00 PM and Thursdays from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. You must come alone, stay in your vehicle, and enter the alley off of Michigan Ave. Watch for signs with additional instructions.
Holy Cross & St. Peter & Paul’s parishes are forming a prayer team to spiritually battle the Coronavirus. This prayer team will be called the St. Michael’s Prayer Warriors. The goal is to have at least one and hopefully many team member(s) fervently praying every hour of every day of the week. To join, e-mail [email protected].